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©MARC Inc. 2019

"When All other forms of communications fail, Amateur Radio will get through!"

Mobile Amateur Radio Club, Inc. (MARC) W4IAX 

An ARRL Affiliated Club Established October 1933
P.O. Box 81791, Mobile, AL 36689
EMAIL ADDRESS:                    

- W4IAX EMERGENCY TRAINING / CLUB NET is held every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. on the 146.82 repeater (Alternate freq 147.300 ) (Both require a 203.5Hz tone for access)
Propogation information can be found on the "What's New" page.
MARC is one of the oldest continuously operating Amateur Radio clubs in the United States. The club continued to exist and meet even when amateurs were not allowed to operate on the air for 3 years during World War II.

The May meeting will be held  at 6:00p.m. on Thursday May 2nd at  Mobile Christian School Building 200, Room 201  (Map)

The Program will be: Hamfest debrief and the BigRaffle!



REPEATER FOR SALE...Check the For Sale Page

"It is not the class of license the Amateur holds, but the class of the Amateur that holds the license"

(For repeater status check the "what's new" page. )

click here to see what's new!

Last Updated: April 19, 2024